Monday, March 30, 2015

Utila- The Magical Wonderland

If only Alice in Wonderland was real, I would be tempted to drop all errands in hand and pursue a worry-free life there. I caution you though, it is dangerous. A spell is put on the island to trap all the trepassers. Only the strong minds can resist the temptation and drag their feet away from it. Why do I know? Because I have witnessed it. In Utila, an island about an hour away from La Ceiba in Honduras, the Surreal is real. The spirit of 'live in the moment' pervades the whole island. No one worries, no one frets. Every smiling face becomes your amigos in a day.  There are parties all day and night by the transparent ocean. With abundant sea plants, the water is constantly remained clean and clear.Sipping a glass of strawberry Daiquiri on a hammock admiring the creation of such grand nature is paradisaical.  

I met these locals who have lived all their life in Utila. Living the whole life in Utila means doing drugs the whole life. It is a culture of the island. People shamelessly sniff cocaine on the street, in the bar, in every single corner. 20 puffs of cracks is just like a sprinkle of salt on a pack of french fries. No big deal. The question is are they happy. One precious soul I stumbled across exclaimed "I can't get enough of this life." He ignites a bonfire with wood and rocks to cook everyday. There is only one microwave that looks more like 21st century. The living room/ kitchen is in the center of all apartment condos with a ripped sofa and hammock. This old man, who has never been to high school, has lived and worked in 13 countries. He fixes broken toilets and sells them to the poor. He spent the money on drugs and alcohol, but he loves his life just as much as all the Islanders. I am not promoting drug innuendos (I personally don't do drugs) but after all, who are we to judge how people decide to live their lives. He chose this simple lifestyle. I chose mine. Despite all the pressure and persuasion, I chose to only do what I want to do, and I refused drugs.

I wasn't joking about the warning. Most backpackers from all over the world I encountered had extended their stay. Some even decided to stay for another 5 or 6 months. And some... went back home to sell all their properties and settled here for the rest of their lives. I was informed that the ferry is 'broken' every Saturday, so that tourists are forced to stay on the island for longer (to be fair, it is what the tourists secretly want too).

The patio of the bar

A view from the pier.
 The simple Utila kitchen/ living room. Can you spot the microwave?
 The tantalizing smell of street food!
 The specialized pizza my newly made Island friend made for us.

 My buddy and I clumsily lost our scooter key in the sea. I could actually peek through the water to look for it.  

A small villa made out of mosaic and artsy wood pieces and recyclable materials. Lewis Carroll must have been inspired by this. 

It was my dream to drive a scooter! But honestly the 12 year-old did a much better job than I did!

Bathroom hut. So cute!

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